Oct 21

Sri Damodarastakam

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In the month of Kartika one should worship Lord Damodara and daily recite the prayer known as Damodarashtakam, which has been spoken by the sage Satyavrata and which attracts Lord Damodara. (Sri Hari-Bhakti-vilasa: 2:16:198)

“He is only conquered by devotees whose pure love is imbued with intimacy and is free from all conceptions of awe and reverence. With great love I again offer my obeisances to Lord Damodara hundreds and hundreds of times.”

View Sri Damodarastakam

Nov 04

Sripad Bhakti Madhava Puri Maharaja read from Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita.

To begin, we recited the Damodarastakam, which can be found at:

  • Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja Goswami explains why we should have faith in the Holy Name.
  • The Holy Name is so attractive that anyone, including the demigods, who chants it under the shelter of pure devotees becomes imbued with love of Krsna.
  • In the conclusions of Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Lord Sri Krsna instructs Arjuna to surrender with full faith on our eternal well-wisher Lord Sri Krsna. Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu taught the post Bhagavat Gita lesson: how surrender should be manifested.
  • While traveling through the forest to visit Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Sanatana Goswami contracted a disease which caused his skin to itch. Ashamed of his open, running sores, he resisted Lord Sri Chaitanya’s embrace. Thinking his body unfit for service to Mahaprabhu, Sanatana Goswami was planning to give up his body. However, the all-knowing and most merciful Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu not only removed Sanatana Goswami’s bodily sufferings by His loving embrace, but gave a most important teaching: Gurudev is the proprietor of everything a sincere disciple possesses, including his own body. Hence a disciple should take care of Gurudev’s property sincerely with the mood of devotion so that it will not incur any harm due to one’s own self-interest.
  • Sripad Bhakti Madhava Puri Maharaja explains that the three Goswamis each have special significance in the teachings of Krsna Consciousness. Sanatana Goswami is the Sambandha Acharya, who teaches us our fundamental relationship to Krsna. Rupa Goswami teaches us Abhideya, the path or process of devotional service. Raghunatha Goswami teaches us Prayojana, the ultimate goal, which is to become the servant of the servant of Srimati Radharani.

Here is the recording of 03 November 2012 sadhu-sanga.

Right-click here to Download
(downloads – [downloadcounter(03_November_2012_HH_BMPS_BI_Weekly_Satsanga.mp3)])

Nov 03

We began with a recitation of the Damodarashtakam

Sripad Bhakti Madhava Puri Maharaja read from Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita.

  1. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu finishes his discussion of the sweetness and opulence of Lord Krishna.
  2. Lord Chaitanya then begins his exposition on devotional service in Chapter 22.
  3. The living entities, who can never become God, are divided into two groups – the ever-liberated devotees and the eternally-conditioned souls.
  4. The eternally-conditioned souls are always under the clutches of the external energy unless they encounter a saintly person who works on Krishna’s behalf to deliver conditioned souls.
  5. Lord Caitanya recites numerous verses proving that bhakti yoga is superior to karma, jnana or mystic yoga.
  6. The conditioned soul must ultimately come to the position of devotional service to attain the desired results.


Here is the recording of 03 November 2011 satsanga.

Right-click here to Download
(downloads – [downloadcounter(03_November_2011_HH_BMPS_BI_Weekly_Satsanga.mp3)])

Nov 01

We began with recitation of the Damodarashtakam

Sripad Bhakti Madhava Puri Maharaja read from the Srimad Bhagavatam.

  1. Maharaja Yudhisthira queries Vidura on his pilgrimages.
  2. we must seek out pure devotees and should serve them at places of pilgrimage.
  3. to overcome the obstacles of self-centeredness, we must surrender to Krishna and Gurudeva, begging for Mercy to realize love for Krishna.
  4. we must seek a situation whereby we can fully serve the Lord.
  5. that he might attain a more perfect state of realization, a devotee always seeks to hear the pastimes of the Lord from a pure Vaishnava.

Here is the recording of 01 November 2011 Satsanga.

Right-click here to Download
(downloads – [downloadcounter(01_November_2011_HH_BMPS_BI_Weekly_Satsanga.mp3)])

Oct 25

We began with recitation of the Damodarashtakam

Sripad Bhakti Madhava Puri Maharaja read from the Srimad Bhagavatam.

  1. the meaning of “twice-born” brahmanas.
  2. historical background of Vidura.
  3. historical background of Gandhari, Prtha, Draupadi, Subhadra.
  4. an account of Vidura’s efforts to protect the Pandavas.

Here is the recording of 25 October 2011 Satsanga.

Right-click here to Download
(downloads – [downloadcounter(25_October_2011_HH_BMPS_BI_Weekly_Satsanga.mp3)])

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