May 10

Bhagavad Gita Class Chapter 10.12-25

HIdden Treasure, Science of Krsna Consciousness Comments Off on Bhagavad Gita Class Chapter 10.12-25

May 11, 2014 Sadhu-Sanga — Sripad Bhaktivijnana Muni Maharaja discusses Chapter 10 Verses 12-25 from Hidden Treasure of the Sweet Absolute. Due to a technical problem, the first 5 minutes of the discussion is missing.

Topic: Vibhuti-yoga The Divine Glories of the Lord

Here is the recording of the May 11, 2014 sadhu-sanga.

Click just once to start, player can be slow to load.
Apr 26

Bhagavad Gita Class Chapter 10.9-10

HIdden Treasure, Science of Krsna Consciousness Comments Off on Bhagavad Gita Class Chapter 10.9-10

April 26, 2014 Sadhu-Sanga — Sripad Bhaktivijnana Muni Maharaja discusses Chapter 10 Verses 8-10 from Hidden Treasure of the Sweet Absolute. Due to a technical problem, the last half of the discussion is missing.

Topic: Vibhuti-yoga The Divine Glories of the Lord

Here is the recording of the April 26, 2014 sadhu-sanga.

Click just once to start, player can be slow to load.
Apr 12

Bhagavad Gita Class Chapter 10.1-8

HIdden Treasure, Science of Krsna Consciousness Comments Off on Bhagavad Gita Class Chapter 10.1-8

April 12, 2014 Sadhu-Sanga — Sripad Bhaktivijnana Muni Maharaja leads a discussion from Hidden Treasure of the Sweet Absolute

Topic: Vibhuti-yoga The Divine Glories of the Lord

Here is the recording of the April 12, 2014 sadhu-sanga.

Click just once to start, player can be slow to load.
Apr 12

Bhagavad Gita Class Chapter 9

HIdden Treasure, Science of Krsna Consciousness Comments Off on Bhagavad Gita Class Chapter 9

April 5, 2014 Sadhu-Sanga — Sripad Bhakti Madhava Puri Maharaja leads a discussion from Hidden Treasure of the Sweet Absolute

Topic: Raja-guhya-yoga The Hidden Treasure of Devotion

Here is the recording of the April 5, 2014 sadhu-sanga.

Click just once to start, player can be slow to load.
Mar 30

Bhagavad Gita Class Chapter 8 Verses 6-28

HIdden Treasure, Science of Krsna Consciousness Comments Off on Bhagavad Gita Class Chapter 8 Verses 6-28

March 29, 2014 Sadhu-Sanga — Sripad Bhakti Madhava Puri Maharaja leads a discussion from Hidden Treasure of the Sweet Absolute

Topic: Taraka-brahma-yoga The Merciful Absolute

Here is the recording of the March 29, 2014 sadhu-sanga.

Click just once to start, player can be slow to load.

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