Sep 16

September 14, 2013 Sadhu-Sanga — HH Bhakti Madhava Puri Maharaja read from Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita.

Topic: Rescued from the Sea, Mahaprabhu Dreams of Krsna and the Gopis

Here is the recording of the September 14, 2013 sadhu-sanga.

Click just once to start, player can be slow to load.
Sep 07

September 7, 2013 Sadhu-Sanga — HH Bhakti Madhava Puri Maharaja read from Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita.

Topic: The Ecstatic Transformations of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

Here is the recording of the September 7, 2013 sadhu-sanga.

Click just once to start, player can be slow to load.
Aug 24

August 24, 2013 Sadhu-Sanga — HH Bhakti Madhava Puri Maharaja read from Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita.

Topic: The Ecstatic Madness of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

Here is the recording of the August 24, 2013 sadhu-sanga.

Click just once to start, player can be slow to load.
Aug 17

August 17, 2013 Sadhu-Sanga — Bhakti Vijnana Muni Maharaja read from Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita.

Topic: Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Glorifies Lord Krsna’s Prasadam

Here is the recording of the August 17, 2013 sadhu-sanga.

Click just once to start, player can be slow to load.
Aug 10

August 10, 2013 Sadhu-Sanga — Bhakti Vijnana Muni Maharaja read from Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita.

Topic: The Exquisite Pastimes of Lord Chaitanya’s Devotees

Here is the recording of the August 3, 2013 sadhu-sanga.

Click just once to start, player can be a bit slow to load.
  • Kalidasa exchanges obeisances with Jhadu Thakura and his wife. Then, due to his low caste, Jadhu Thakura offers to send prasadam for Kalidasa to a brahmana‘s family. Kalidasa counters by asking to take the dust of Jadhu Thakura’s feet upon his head. Kalidasa quotes from sastra stating that a pure devotee is very dear to the Lord even if born in a family of dog-eaters. Jadhu Thakura confirms this truth but says that such statements do not apply to him, because he considers himself to have no devotion to Krsna. Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja Goswami explains that such a response is entirely appropriate for an advanced devotee. Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada then expands on this idea with several more scriptural references.
  • After bidding farewell to Kalidasa, Jhadu Thakura returned home leaving the marks of his feet in many places. Kalidasa then smeared this dust all over his body. Then he hid near Jadhu Thakura’s house until he obtained an opportunity to lick the leaves discarded by Jadhu Thakura’s wife.
  • Then we learn how Kalidasa was able to drink the water after Lord Chaitanya washed his feet at the Jagannath temple, even though such was forbidden by the Lord. This mercy was extended by the Lord because He recognized that Kalidasa had full faith in Vaisnavas. After making His obeisances to Lord Nrsimhadev and Lord Jagannatha, Mahaprabhu returned home to eat his lunch. There Kalidasa obtained an opportunity to eat the Lord’s remnants as well.
  • Srila Krsnadas Kaviraja Goswami then explains that the dust of the feet of a devotee, the water that has washed the feet of a devotee, and the remnants of food left by a devotee are spiritually three very powerful substances. By keeping faith in and rendering service to these three, one attains the supreme goal of ecstatic love for Krsna.
  • We then read of the pastime concerning Sivananda Sena’s seven-year-old son who would not chant the Holy Names, but who was able to compose a beautiful poem glorifying Lord Krsna.
  • After spending four months with Mahaprabhu, the Lord ordered the devotees to return to Bengal. After that He returned to His chief engagement—expressing ecstatic love for Lord Krsna. Throughout the entire day and night, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu directly relished Krsna’s beauty, fragrance and taste as if He were touching Krsna hand-to-hand.
  • We then conclude with the Lord’s pastime where he asked the doorkeeper of the Jagannatha temple to show Krsna to Him. Sripad Puri Maharaja expands on this lila explaining that the pure devotee is like the doorkeeper to our hearts who has the power to reveal Krsna to us.
  • Sripad Muni Maharaja relates that Sripad Sridhar Swami, the bonafide commentator of Srimad Bhagavatam, was given the title Bhaktira Raksaka, or Guardian of Devotion, by Srila Jiva Goswami. Seeing that same function in Srila Guru Maharaja, Srila Bhaktisiddanta Saraswati Thakura gave him the same name because Srila Guru Maharaja, the founder of the SCS Math, was also empowered to serve as the Guardian of Devotion.
  • Sripad Puri Maharaja relates that Srila Guru Maharaja did not like for the devotees to make commentary on Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita, especially the Antya Lila. Such highly transcendental topics should be read with the intent to serve the order of Guru and remember only. He then states that a truly learned person must also be humble. Humility implies that one sees everything with equanimity. One who does not recognize the One Spirit that inhabits all beings is covered in ignorance despite his education. This is the original basis for the Vedic civilization, not the present-day caste system which has abused so many. He then concludes that human life is meant for cultivation of higher spiritual values, not for sense gratification.

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