Mar 07

Sripad Bhakti Madhava Puri Maharaja read from the Srimad Bhagavatam.

  • Discussion of the purpose of the cow in the Vedic tradition – for production of milk and for deriving religious principles.
  • Discussion of the weakness of modern administrators who are no longer capable of representing the Lord. Protection of the lives of both human beings and animals is the first and foremost duty of a government.
  • Discussion of the importance of punishing miscreants to insure a peaceful society.
  • Maharaja points out the consequences of eating meat. Engaging in the principles of sankirtana will gradually help to purify our environment.

Here is the recording of 07 March 2012 Satsanga.

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(downloads – [downloadcounter(07_March_2012_HH_BMPS_BI_Weekly_Satsanga.mp3)])

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